Friday, November 16, 2012

Faces of Interface . . . Leadership Advisory Council Member, Kevin Fitzpatrick

Rrachel & Kevin Fitzpatrick
“Kevin Fitzpatrick is an extremely driven individual who has the ability to motivate and energize the people with whom he works.”

“Kevin has strong leadership qualities and is a great motivator of people.”

“Kevin really cares about his customers and his friends and it comes natural to him.”

These are all things said about Kevin by co-workers and friends.  We at Interface Children & Family Services count ourselves extremely lucky to have Kevin Fitzpatrick as a member of our Leadership Advisory Council.  Recently, we asked him some questions about why he volunteers his time, talents, and treasures to Interface.

What drew you to Interface?
My dear friend, Ron Wagley, who passed away this past July, was a board member for Interface.  Ron was someone whom I respected and admired.  As the retired CEO of Transamerica Insurance, one would think he would have been too removed from the everyday to give to others.  But Ron was someone who came alongside his friends, showed us through his own life what it was to strive to be the best husbands, fathers, and friends we could be, all in an effort to bring honor and glory to God.  I guess it didn’t surprise me that Ron was involved with Interface – particularly with the programs that helped abused moms and kids.

Once Ron introduced me to Interface, I knew this was a way for me to use my own childhood experiences in a positive way – to turn negative to positive.  I knew the helplessness that these moms and kids experience.  Because of this,  I have a passion to help change the circumstances of others, however I can – especially for children.  Kids have no power or control over the abuse that will affect them for the rest of their lives.

Why has your involvement been fulfilling for you?
The things I’ve been able to do for Interface have helped me live out what my friend, Ron, exemplified – a life filled with service.  My family had the privilege of participating in a holiday gift drive for Interface – providing gifts for kids that they may never have really believed they would receive.  My children delivered the gifts to Interface and it was a great opportunity to teach them about giving.  Through my contacts, we were able to complete some much needed renovations at the emergency shelter – making it a more comfortable and safe atmosphere for people who had to leave their homes suddenly and with nothing.

What else can you say about Interface?
I really want to help spread the word about all the ways Interface helps children and families.  So many people are hurting in so many ways.  Interface helps in multiple ways – all across our communities.  For example, the 2-1-1 program.  I want to make sure that the word is out on that one – access to any type of help is just 3 digits away.
And, finally, I want to help people who are busy and self-sufficient see that reaching out to others is something that will make a difference. Sometimes it’s hard to see what’s right in front of us – people all around us need our help.  I know from my own experiences what it’s like to need help.  It means so much to me to  be able to provide some well-deserved help to  others now. 

1 comment:

  1. Values are the foundation of a nation. Family First believes in the importance of values. Values like telling the truth, living within your means, hard work, respect, courtesy, compassion, courage, generosity.
