Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Faces of Interface: Richard Linares, 2-1-1 Call Specialist

Intro to the Faces of Interface Series
The work of strengthening children and families is often discussed in abstract terms. Words like programs, services, and support are used in descriptions that can leave us with more questions than answers. The goal of this blog series is to introduce our community to what Interface does by talking one-on-one with the people that make it happen. Each month, we'll feature a short interview with a staff member, volunteer, board member, or donor sharing their perspective on how our work is building a better future. This month's interview features Richard Linares, a call specialist for our 2-1-1 Information and Referral line.  

Describe briefly what your program or department does. 
We provide information and referrals for social services, health care and organizations that provide assistance to local communities like food pantries, shelters for the homeless or domestic violence victims, and mental health services to name just a few. 2-1-1 Ventura County actually handles calls for eight counties across California. Seven of those counties are handled by our department 24 /7, and for one county, we take calls for their after-hours shift.  
I like to think of it like this: 4-1-1 helps you find things that you know are available, or items that you want to buy, and 2-1-1 allows you to discover what is available and helps you get what you need.
What is the best part of what you do?
Honestly, the best part of working at Interface is the pride that I have in the agency, because I see first-hand that we’re making a difference and saving lives every day. My favorite aspect of being a call specialist is that I get to be the voice on the phone, the source of comfort, providing hope and information directly. Calling 2-1-1 is some people’s last resort in a bad situation, or the only place open to give them a desperately-needed resource or suggest some options.  
What is the best or most touching call that you have taken so far at 2-1-1?
I take 300+ calls a week, and every week I hear stories from people that leave me broken-hearted because of how hopeless they feel and how complicated their situations are. Thankfully, 2-1-1 is here 24/7 with assistance in over 150 languages to connect them to the help they need.
Recently, I was able to connect a young man with information on how to enroll in adult GED classes. Here’s a man who is barely an adult, that for some reason did not complete his education, and it’s so powerful to realize that as he decides to make a move forward in life, I was able to facilitate and make space for him to move forward.
I took another call after him from a young lady who needed shelter for herself and children; they were homeless. I talked to another man who was tired of doing drugs and wanted so badly to get back on his feet again. He was crying and felt like a failure. I was able to get him connected to recovery programs and let him know that it was definitely possible to get his life back on track.
Maybe for some of you these stories sound simple; but as I look back over my life and reflect on my own experiences with abuse as a child, the domestic violence I witnessed in my own home, and the trauma of holding on and seeking help when alcohol addiction made a mess of my life, I wish that I had known about a resource like 2-1-1.  Maybe I would not have had to endure what I did alone; maybe when I was facing homelessness, and had no clothes or shoes to look for work, I could have received some assistance. When I needed someone to talk to I could have reached out and found help. It was so hard to find those things back then, and being able to provide them easily to others now as a healthy and happy man is such an incredible blessing.
What is an upcoming project or event that you’re excited about?
I’m excited to watch 2-1-1 Ventura County expand and grow. We will be adding some more work spaces, and that means more people will get to experience the same opportunity as I have to help others get connected with the information and referrals they need.
What are your favorite things to do in your spare time (hobbies, etc.)?
I love to reach out and serve as an MC or Host at community events.  At my church, I am the current director of our food pantry and an outreach coordinator. I also enjoy watching movies, filming and editing videos and dancing to cumbia music. Anything involving multimedia like Facebook or YouTube and working with youth is the best!

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